Kategorie: Sprache

AI and Copyright in Video Game Translation – Pouring Fuel on a Healthy Fire

von Philipp Techen

Everyone is talking about it: Artificial intelligence – creator of a new paradigm or harbinger of doom. This text will assume you have heard a little about it already, specifically about the uproar regarding potential damage done to artists due to copyright infringement, or more simply put, the copying of art.

Why is this relevant for translation? Do translators even have copyrights? Yes, they do. While the industry at large would rather sweep this knowledge under the rug, translators are creators of a unique product, often creative, and as such they do retain the copyright to their creation.


„Der, die, das ChatGPT?“

von Charlotte Stein

Inzwischen haben die meisten von uns ihre ersten Gespräche mit ChatGPT geführt. Und wohl mindestens genauso viele über ChatGPT. Und? Ist Ihnen dabei etwas aufgefallen? Mir schon. Und zwar dass alle, wirklich sämtliche meiner Gesprächspartner*innen ChatGPT mit einem männlichen Pronomen referenzieren. Könnte das etwa was mit unseren Vorstellungen von Geschlechterrollen zu tun haben?


The Issue of Fuzzy Grids

von Philipp Techen

The fuzzy grid – “What’s that?”, I hear you ask. A challenging new kind of crossword puzzle? A quirky new online trend? Or simply the company spreadsheets left out in the rain?

Translation has always been a challenging task, but the rise of technology has created functional tools to aid translators on their mission to provide content to more people. CAT tools (Computer aided translation) are one such software solution. These tools allow text to be saved in a database called a Translation Memory (usually per sentence or paragraph, but different settings may apply). If the same or a similar piece of text comes up, the Translation Memory can insert the previously translated content and potentially save a good chunk of work.


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